為了讓瑞士酒店管理大學的學生獲得最豐富的實習工作經驗,提升就業能力,我們一直與酒店旅遊業界建立緊密關係。過去3年,Swiss Education Group與華特迪士尼世界Walt Disney World成為特別合作伙伴,讓我們旗下瑞士大學的學生參與迪士尼酒店管理領導課程Disney Hospitality Leadership Program。其中5位來自SHMS瑞士酒店管理大學的學生,在片段中分享他們的工作體驗。

Candace: The Hospitality Program definitely help me develop my skills to be more adaptable. The networking opportunities of this program are endless.

Calvin: you will learn many many things, you will learn how to lead a team, learn how to motivate cast, learn how to solve guest situation, how to make magic.

Sofia: One of the biggest bonuses of this program is the exposure you get.

Carla: It means really a lot for me on my career.

Rosalin: This is the best internship I have done, this is a life changing opportunity.


For the past 3 years our special relationship with Walt Disney World has opened up direct opportunities for our students to participate in the Disney Hospitality Leadership Program. In this video, Calvin Zeng, Carla Chuquisengo Manchego, Rosalin Abigail Kyere-Nartey, Candace Matson and Sofia Ruiz Blake, our students share their personal experiences from the program.



校友實習及就業分享  | 國際招聘會及實習
