Swiss Summer Workshop

Summer Workshop 暑期工作坊

Learn the skills and knowledge in Hospitality which are useful in your daily life

This summer workshops allow you to explore your options of studying in Switzerland through attending taster classes & workshop. Don’t miss the chance!
對酒店管理有興趣的同學切勿錯過 「瑞士暑期工作坊」,一起體驗瑞士教育獨特之處。酒店管理是一門與我們日常生活息息相關的學科,酒店款待著重與人溝通,由對方角度思考問題,提升滿意度,溝通當中涉及不同的禮儀,這次工作坊,帶你快速認識何為合適的禮儀,讓你在對方心中留下好印象! 當日,更會連線瑞士 SHMS 校長 Mr. Patrick Taffin, 和大家分享,從行業角度,探索怎樣提升顧客的滿意度又可以增加盈利收益,立即登記參加,一起去瑞士體驗這個獨特的學習機會吧!
A Better Self:30分鐘禮儀藝術

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM

語言: 廣東話

20240808-Summer Workshop (Upselling)-Mr. Patrick
Upselling in Hospitality "Opportunity plus instinct equal's profit.”

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Do you notice that when you are booking the hotel, it’s always choices of adding dining package or spa service? This is kind of upselling strategies.

Hospitality insider, Mr. Patrick Taffin, Dean of SHMS will be connected online to tell you how upselling works. Learn the rationale and be a smart consumer.

Language: English


Registration of Workshop

    Swiss Summer Workshop

    Date: 8 Aug 2024 (Thursday)
    Venue: 808, 8/F, World Finance Centre (North), Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
    Swiss Education Group瑞士教育(香港入學事務處)

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    Student Session

    Swiss Taster Workshop of Event Planning
    Event management is in your daily life, get the skillset to plan an event as a professional. Start with Immerse yourself in Swiss style education and get to know why Switzerland is the best place to study hospitality and event management. Join us and unlock the global opportunities of hospitality industry and beyond.

    Language: English

    12:00 – 12:30
    Why Switzerland is the best place to study Hospitality
    xxxxEvent management is in your daily life, get the skillset to plan an event as a professional. Start with Immerse yourself in Swiss style education and get to know why Switzerland is the best place to study hospitality and event management. Join us and unlock the global opportunities of hospitality industry and beyond.

    Language: Cantonese

    12:30 – 1:15
    Explore how can be a leader for the global hospitality industry in Swiss Hotel Management School

    xxxxEvent management is in your daily life, get the skillset to plan an event as a professional. Start with Immerse yourself in Swiss style education and get to know why Switzerland is the best place to study hospitality and event management. Join us and unlock the global opportunities of hospitality industry and beyond.

    Language: English & Cantonese

    Student Sharing the experience in Switzerland 

    xxxx在這個輕鬆的交流環節, 學生可以直接與瑞士留學生互動交流。學生大使與你分享在校學習和瑞士生活的真實經驗

    Language: Cantonese

    11:00 am – 4:00pm
    1-to-1 Consultation and Chit-Chat with Student Ambassadors

    Language: Cantonese